Saturday 14 April 2012

पीएचडी ऑफिस में नयी लडकी का आगमन

पीएचडी ऑफिस में नयी लडकी का आगमन

कल तक जो ऑफिस था सूना सूना
आज न जाने, कहाँ से एक लडकी है इसमे आई.
कल तक था जो मरघट का एक कमरा
आज न जाने, कहाँ से एक अप्सरा हैं आई.

कल तक जो थे पक्के दोस्त निराले
आज न जाने, कहाँ से उसमे एक दीवार है आई.
कल तक जो था एक अनमना - निफिक्र माहौल
आज न जाने, उसमे कहाँ से नयी उर्जा है आई.

कल तक जो यदा कदा दिखते थे ऑफिस में
आज न जाने क्यों, शाम ढले भी जाने का है कोई नाम नहीं.
कल तक जो 'हेल्प' के नाम से थे कतरातें
आज न जाने क्यों, लगे हैं सबसे हेल्पफुल कहलवाने.

न जाने ये कैसी होढ़ हैं,
जिसमे सब भागे जातें हैं
और बस एक नज़र के लिए
मुक्का मुक्की पर उतर जातें हैं.

ऑफिस में बैठी वो लड़की अपने ऊपर इत्तराती हैं
और बस एक मुस्कान से अपना काम निकलवाती हैं.
मैं भी बैठा सोच रहा भगवान ने क्या चीज़ बनायीं
एक ने ही ऑफिस की ऐसी दशा बनायीं?

देश की धरती

देश की धरती

तन समर्पित, मन समर्पित, और यह जीवन समर्पित
सोचता हूँ देश की धरती तुझे कुछ और भी दूँ !

तुने ही हँसना सिखाया, और रोना भी तुम्ही ने
जब कभी खाई है ठोकर, तुने ही उठना सिखाया.

तुझसे ही लिपट के काटे हैं लम्हे, बचपन से जवानी तक
और जब कभी मायुस होया, तेरी ही गोद में सोया.

याद जब आती तुम्हारी, व्याकुल है होता मन ये मेरा
बिन तेरे मैं अधुरा, मैं अधुरा...

अब खुद ही को खुद में, तलाशता फिर रहा
न जाने किस मोड़ पे खुद ही को खुद से छोड़ आया.

बस यही मिन्नतें मैं हर बार करता हूँ
जल्द हो दीदार तेरा, बस यही आगाज़ करता हूँ.

तन समर्पित, मन समर्पित, और यह जीवन समर्पित
सोचता हूँ देश की धरती तुझे कुछ और भी दूँ !!!

Friday 20 June 2008

How same we think...

Just came back from a conference in Netherlands...Nice experience....met lot many new people and made a few friends from different parts of the world...some of them are from a few countries which i never had a chance to visit and for some reason that country is in a bad list in media...quite surprising to see and have chat with people belong to a country which is always in news for bad reasons.... surprising because listening their views on many current issues in the world, for example: religion, terrorism, violence, political separation, unnecessary political intervention and many more sesitive issues....surprising because they do think in a similar way like i do.....surprising because they were so friendly, peaceful but frustrated being projected in a bad way....

well, after listening their views, i was feeling very terrible why they were projected in a wrong way....whose fault is this?....why they are projected as a troublesome? it political leadership who is responsible for that?? or is it other powerful nations who always find a reason to poke their nose in....well, they do have the right to live free and peaceful in anyway they want to....why they need somebody from outside to say that you are not living in a right way and we are here to teach you how to live...thats completly rubbish....why we always find a way to force our philosophy/way of life on others...let them live their way.....and respect the differences.....

Imagine there is a world where everybody looks like same, do same thing, eat same food, have same culture, same traditions...imagine the world...isn't it so is so colorful and beautiful because every country has its own way of living and thats the world we feel proud of....i always wonder who rules the world and why we cant live in peace together...why people feel happy to disturb others life...why the world is becoming more and more nasty place to live??....well, i dont know the answers.....i do know one thing "together we ll grow and cherish our lives and alone we ll flush out"....

More and more human contact in different parts of world may facilitate the way to understand the people there...not in the way media, political propoganda or other religious hatredness force us to see...the most wonderful thing is to share the life, respect the differences and live together happily ever and forever....

Friday 17 August 2007

Great Power comes with great responsibilities....

It is always being said that "GREAT POWER COMES WITH GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES" and a person using that great power should always be rational and could not be influenced by EVIL elements....and thats the most expected nature of a powerful person...but it is quite often that most of the people holding great power dont behave properly, irrespective of the fact that a a tiny bad decision can destroy the lives of millions or may be billions people...

There are many cases in the history as well as in the today's modern days when a stupid and selfish decision by a dictator or any powerful person results in a total collapse of many civilisations and countries...What i mean when i say a powerful person?? it means that a person who has the capability and capacity to affect the lives of large number of people either in a bad way or good way...Once a person got that status, i think he should be responsible for the goodwill of the group of people who can be affected by his decision....even great and greatest leaders of the world cant claim that they never took a wrong decision.....

Sometimes i think, is it justified to give that much power to a single person?? what happenes when the person becomes selfish, irrational and irresponsible?? Well, its a million dollar question that how much power should be given to a person...

How come a single person can decide the fate of the millions people??...In todays materialistic world when the power of money seems to be the SUPER POWER....which claims to buy each and Who is more powerful....richer or poorer??....its a long time debate how come a person lives in big luxuries house with all the facilities in the same society where thousands of peoples even cant get a hut to live in..... the human insensitivity towards a socially backward people is increasing....the gap between the poorest and richest person in the world is increasing with a faster pace which doesnt seem to be slowed down in near future....why its happening?? the simple answer is MONEY can influence the persons who hold the great powers without any responsibility and favours the policies which helps their financer to be more and more richer...

I dont know how much evilness needed indside a powerful person to take such a harass step which can destroy the livelihood of millions and only favours a few individuals.....well, thats the unanswerable question....

Saturday 23 June 2007

Happiness & Success....

"Happiness - The state in which a man feels happy"...Its completly other words the term "FEELING" is absolutly personal...its quite difficult to say what is the degree of happiness...for me, whenever i am doing what i like to do, i feel happy...when i meet a person who i like and love, i feel happy...when i get some success i feel happy...and there are many things in which i feel happy either to do that or just to remmebr that....Its something very personal and nobody can generalise it....
People feel happy once they achieve some primary success. "SUCCESS" is a term which is quite bit difficult to analyse...i cant say its completly personal but i think it comes with some sort of relativity...i think its like the different steps of a stair...Once we climb the first step we feel happy and then we think about the other step, we put some extra effort and then climb the second one and then we keep climbing all the steps with all our energy and hard work...the one big difference, i think between stairs and the success in life is that, in case of stairs we know what is our last goal, what we are going to achieve when we climb all the stairs, but in real life we dont know what is the last always keep changing in the whole life untill we are alive...I am not sure about a life after death.... ha ha...But may be if we have, i think it would be the same...
When i say that success is not completly personal, it means its quite bit personal and social...Sometimes the society defines the meaning of success like if you have lots of money, you are successful...If you have the power, you are successful and many other thing...but i think unless and untill success comes with happiness, it doesnt have any meaning...May be some people says that if you wanna achieve something you have to loose many thing....may be you will become a rich man but you may loose your peace of mind....the main point here is to decide, success at what cost??? Do we need that type of success??? what are the things, we value more??? Thats why i say its "PERSONAL" also...Different people may have different views on it...but i like a success which gives me pleasure and in which i may not loose the things i like and love that case, may be i will not be a well known person in the world but i will be happy with my life....
For me, success on the cost of my happiness is never acceptable....As i feel that life is so uncertain and we are not sure whats going to happen in the next moment...i dont want to loose my happiness...If a person is lucky, he can get both the things together but suppose if you are not so lucky and you spent all your time just to achieve something and at the end of the days once you get that you feel that you lost everything except that i think, the priority in life should be always clear...How much we are willing to loss to achieve something?? and does it really worth??- think over it...

Thursday 31 May 2007


People always meet many people in everyday life....we forget many people we see everyday but ....Some left their longlasting presence in life just after a first meeting....Is it possible that a complete stranger, whom we dont know, we never meet and also not expecting to meet in future is going to affect that much...
I think thats possible...A man likes to love everything and anything....somebody loves an animal ...somebody loves a tree....somebody loves the natural beauty...the list is unlimited...look, even we love many other objects which is not alive its quite possible that a man loves a person....evenif its complete stranger...
I love to love anything i like....quite bit funny...but thats give me happiness when i see something which i love...sometimes thinking over it, is also enough to bring a cute smile on face...
Life is just spreading LOVE, sharing LOVE and be LOVED by somebody....It has no boundary....
So LOVE....LOVE....and LOVE anything and everything......

Money, money and it everything???

"Money, Money and Money"-Everybody loves to make it...but how much is enough, nobody knows that...there is no limit for much as we earn, the DESIRE to make more always increases...Quite bit tough to decide "HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH FOR MYSELF??"

I is always necessary for a comfortable life but MONEY is not everything in life...its just something which makes life comfortable but there are many other things also which needs to be present in LOVE, Emotional relations, Friends and many more....people always can argue that once you have money you can get all the other stuff but i am not agree with that...

Its not worth enough to invest your wholelife just running behind "making money"... I believe that Life is not only for running behind anyth which is so materialistic and unfaithful...Most of the things require for a happy life is almost free like True friends, love and it also dont need any money...what it needs?? just a investment of time....which is worthwhile to invest...

Its fair enough that we need some money to carry on our daily necessities but thinking that "Money is everything" is completly absurd...How much money a person should earn is quite bit clear in the words of Kabirdas (a great indian philosopher):

"Sai itna dijiye jaame kutumb samay, main bhi bhukha na rahuin aur sadhu bhi bhukha na jaaye" (in Hindi)

Translated in english- " Hey GOD! Give me only that much in which i can feed my family and myself along with the guest coming to my home"